This festival has long history and already has turned into an emblem of Pleven city. Being interesting and attractive for the numerous Bulgarian fens, it is also well known far beyond Bulgarian borders. This is the unique European festival for laureates from prestigious music festivals and competitions.
Established in 1966 as annual musical feast, since its third edition the festival is named after the renowned opera singer Katya Popova. Its periodic nature (every other year) presents the brilliant achievements of the youngest generation in European and world performers’ mastership, the success of Bulgarian singing and instrumental school.
The festival’s acknowledged nature and composition rouse the interest and attract the attention of many Bulgarian and foreign laureates. The original nature of this extravagant performance of renowned young musicians, liberated of the competitive atmosphere, turns these Pleven festival concerts and performances into an authentic musical forum.
The festival is organized and funded by Pleven municipality with Pleven Philharmonic Orchestra partnership.
улица „Димитър Константинов“, Плевен, България