“Two, four, sex-have”

July 7, 08:00 p.m., “Saglasie” Community centre 

A brilliant comedy, with an extremely delicate sense of humor, typical for the contemporary Austrian author Stefan Vogel. The play examines the sexual relationships of two modern couples, asking us the questions: Do conservatism and monogamy still have a place in our modern world? A world of communications and materialism, where meeting different people and cultures is just two keys away. Have polygamy and liberal understandings of marital relationships irrevocably prevailed? Is sex possible without feelings? Is it cheating if the other person knows and agrees? Primal instinct or fear of aging drives us to cheat? What do we gain and what do we lose when we give up monogamy? We can find answers to all these questions in the delicately presented spicy story in the performance “Two, four, sex-have” with the participation of the talented actors: Asen Blatechki, Nikolay Urumov, Dobriela Popova and Stela Zdravkova.