“Misunderstood civilization” (“Krivorazbranata tsivilizatsiya”)

FOR THE FIRST TIME in PLEVEN – July 5, “Saglasie” Community Centre, 07:00 p.m. – the latest performance of the Satiric theatre “Aleko Konstantinov” – Sofia
THE COMEDY “THE CURVED CIVILIZATION” by Dobri Voynikov director: Nikolay Urumov

With the participation of: Albena Mihova, Kiril Efremov, Konstantin Ikonomov, Ivaylo Kaloyanchev, Plamen Velikov, Martin Gyaurov, Alexander Grigorov, Stefania Kocheva, Ekaterina Georgieva, Rositsa Alexandrova, Simeon Galabov, Vasil Grancharov, Danail Nikolov, Delyana Hadzhiyankova and others.
At a time when Bulgaria is trying to shake off its shackles and prejudices and raises its head to look out at Europe, naively absorbing the new-shiny manners and fashion, our nation is blinded by the external brilliance and pomp. Everything that comes from “bright Europe” rises into a cult! This is a fertile ground for charlatans and swindlers from the “civilized world” to deceive our eternally trusting population and to take away its most valuable things – its honor, dignity, children and money. Doesn’t that sound familiar to you? Written by Dobri Voynikov 150 years ago, ‘Misunderstood Civilization’ is so relevant that we would paraphrase it today as Misunderstood Democracy.